Hi! Welcome to Noordwijk and to this vlog of the renovation of our house. The vlog starts at the bottom, so if you’re new here, scroll to the bottom of the page and start watching from there. Enjoy!
Sanding, sanding, …
Some cracks in the walls are just too much to ignore… So I’ve widened this one a little to be able to fill it properly with a chemical mortar.

Less is more…
Hi again, here’s a quick update of the latest developments.
The old extension with the kitchen has now been removed completely. The floor was a huge problem, as it was massively thick and strongly armoured. It took a lot of effort and made an enormous noise to remove it. Unhappy neighbours…

We’re back! Noordwijk vlog season 2
Hi! We’re back on track!
I just realised it’s been a while since I last posted something here. That’s because not that much happened in the house until recently. We’ve been working mostly on the drawings and making choices of materials. And lately, also ordering materials. So we’ve ordered the tiles for the roof as well as the tiles for the ground floor. We’ve ordered the brick slips for the outdoor insulation, the new frames for the house and for the new extension, and so on, and so on. The list seems endless. Unfortunately, our pockets are not… :-/

Energy label G… or Z?
Today, I opened up the cladding of the wall in the front of the house. Behind the layer of gypsum board, there was a lot of space next to the window frame, which was filled up with… newspapers. Once I removed those, I had a new view onto the street!

Living room undecorated
More demolition work in the living room
Leaded paint test
An interesting discovery
See more! “Leaded paint test”The living room
No video today, but pictures of the work in progress in the living room. My colleague Arnold-Jan is helping, yay!